Sunday, June 09, 2024

Artnotes: Life Looms Large


Green Hat, Blue Flower  Laurie Fox Pessemier   Acrylic/paper 17 x 23.5"   43 x 60cm  275.00  

This Tuesday we made it up to the Zocca market; up being the key word, as  Zocca is just up the hill from us, at 759 meters (2500 feet).  It’s slightly cooler, in summer or winter, with more snow and sunshine (it’s often above the clouds, and we are too, just not as often).  It’s an ok place, attracting many hikers and cyclists.   Our German friend, Lutz, keeps a place up there, and we know a couple of other people in the neighborhood.  It’s more of a town than Roccamalatina;  Zocca has a main street, and a city hall.  We’ve had some art shows in Zocca, and there are regular events.  There’s an art walk in the woods.
We buy fish and vegetables at the Zocca market.  I’ve also gotten flowers (my best pansies ever) and clothes and household supplies.  

Salad Set carved by Blair Pessemier.
I got some great vegetables at the Zocca market this week:  a crate of 26 full sized eggplants for 4.99; and a normal flat of cherry tomatoes for the same price.   Of course, we can’t eat all this at once, so we’re freezing things.  I slice and cook the eggplant in the oven, put them in freezer bag portions;  I freeze the cherry tomatoes as is.  Both the eggplant and tomatoes are great fresh, but there is a limit. 
Italy is a country of “seasons” – certain things are finished at certain times.  Asparagus is on the wane, as tomatoes are coming on.  The tomatoes are outrageously good right now.  The Agretti (a grass like vegie, known as the priest’s beard) is finished, but the zucchini, with or without flowers is terrific.  Cherries are in right now – the province of Modena (our province) grows most of the cherries in Italy, and they are fabulous.   Apricots can be found, too. 
Shell   Laurie Pessemier  Acrylic/cardboard   10 x 14"  25 x 35cm  175.00  

We bought dark red cherries which I will freeze with red wine and sugar.  I defrost them to accompany duck breast, on the menu for Friday next.  We’re entering our entertainment season – friends from all nations.  The group after this is vegetarian, which presents a bit of a challenge for me --  I live in the Grasso region of Italy (no Mediterranean diet here).   We are famous for meats and cheeses.  As the saying goes:  “Bologna - La Dotta, La Rossa e la Grassa”  (Bologna -- the educated (the oldest university in Europe, since 1088), the red (roofs) and the fat (food)” .   Even the bologna (mortadella) is delicious, with its pistachios nestled within.  The kitchen is buzzing with preservation – of the green sort, to the dismay of our carnivore. 

The Turtle  Laurie Fox Pessemier   Acrylic/paper 17 x 23.5"   43 x 60cm  275.00  

It feels like home to us here in Roccamalatina, despite certain allures of the Stimigliano/Rome house.   We spend the summers up here, eating outdoors at the table under the giant pine tree, listening to the birds, putting up friends.  It’s Berlino’s yard, and he’s tailored it to his liking.   We’re on the brink of swimming in the fountain of youth, and are planning a foray to the Venice biennale:  life looms large. 

Wild Flowers in Glass Vase  Laurie Fox Pessemier  Acrylic/cardboard  14 x 19.5"  35 x 50cm  225.00  
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INVITING All Artists to present their Work:   Paint, Literature, Crafts, Food....

Pessemier's Sunday Salon
Weekly on Sunday  No Reservation Necessary

How it works: Bring a piece of your ART: that could be visual, like painting or printmaking; or literary, as in poetry or prose; or crafts, like metalwork or knitting; or food, or music.  Something you made, or feel particularly inspired by.  You have about 5 minutes to present, and we'll ooh, ahh, or answer questions you have.  You can also come and see how we work before diving in.  Just show up on Zoom at a minute or two before the hour.   
No selling, no networking until after everyone has presented.

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 880 9370 8954 Passcode: 886402

Rome 8PM; NY 2 PM; LosAngeles 11AM