Sunday, January 31, 2021

Artnotes: Grow with the Flow


Brushes   Laurie Fox Pessemier  acrylic/canvas  12 x 16 " 30  x 40 cm   450.00
This week, in Italy, our government failed once again.  The prime minister resigned, as a result of having no support because one of the other party chiefs quit.  This is really nothing new in Italy (according to the Independent...there have been 29 prime ministers and 66 governments since 1945) but for some of us it is disconcerting.  Blair and I can’t vote, in any case, and we are just hoping things don’t fall into the hands of the right wing. 
It isn’t the only setback here.  Our vaccines have been delayed because the manufacturer overextended themselves, and well, they have been paid, anyway.  The good news is that Blair Harika and I are all happy as little clams here in Roccamalatina, enjoying some sunny days and increasing temperatures.
Greek Boy with Donkey  Blair Pessemier  acrylic/canvas 15 x 22"  38 x 56 cm  550.00
Our big project this week is our first “3 Minute Art Show”, which link follows at the end of this email.  We made a wall in our main room a gallery wall, and filmed a tour of Blair’s Greek images.  Check it out.
It gave me ideas for future shows, with different themes to be filmed in other parts of our home.   We live in a very romantic setting, and I see exhibitions of people, and landscapes and flowers…
Egg Head    Laurie Fox Pessemier  Terra Cotta/paint   3 x 3"  150.00
I am very optimistic about the upcoming spring and summer:  I found a new organic recipe for mosquito repellent.  I have to have it because we are contemplating renting a house and boat overhanging the canals in the Po Delta.  It is mosquito-heaven there.  I can use this repellant on Harika, too.
Teapot lid replacement and Teaball holder  Laurie Fox Pessemier Terra Cotta  3 x 3"
Many of our friends in the USA seem to be getting their vaccine – they call to tell me, the computer savvy and over 80s, all breathing a sigh of relief. 
Italy is currently the most efficient dispenser of inoculations in Europe, along with Germany.  But because of our overwhelming elderly population, we know some 90 year olds still waiting in line (it is not unusual to know 100+ year old people here).  There isn’t the same panic in Italy that there is in the US about getting the vaccine.  When I mention it to Italians they just shrug.
Calvafiori  Laurie Fox Pessemier  acrylic/canvas 12 x 16"  30 x 40cm   450.00
It is a little that way with the fallen government.  People in general are less upset than me.   Italy is a very young country, almost 100 years younger than the US. In fact, until the war it was a Kingdom, not a democratic republic.   And, there are a lot of political parties.   So there is constant jockeying, and coalitions, and ideas.  It is a feature, rather than a problem, and most people can feel represented in some way.    

These attitudes are really very different from the things I was brought up with, and even different from France, where we lived for more than 20 years.  It is actually a very exciting thing, to try to understand, and learn and Grow with the Flow…

INVITING All Artists to present their Work: 

Pessemier's Sunday Salon
Weekly on Sunday  No Reservation Necessary

Rome 8PM ; NY 2 PM; LosAngeles  11AM

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