Sunday, November 08, 2020

Artnotes: So Much in Common


Dinner in the Restaurant  Laurie Fox Pessemier  Acrylic/canvas    30 x 54"  76 x 137cm  stretched (ready to hang) 925.00   unstretched 725.00
Champagne, the real stuff:  A Piper Heidsieck (from the limited choice (2) at the Conad Supermarket) is waiting in the refrigerator for guests to arrive at 1 and celebrate.   I am thrilled the be celebrating the softly spoken word “Patience”; about once again embracing Science, and  not thinking about red states and blue states, but the United States, with liberty and justice for all.  Hip hip hooray.  (with due caution).
Nasturtiums in the Dark    Laurie Fox Pessemier  Acrylic/canvas   11 x 14"  28 x 35cm  450.00
Of course, I didn’t reach this zen state right off the bat.  I was up at 2:30 AM on Wednesday, unable to rest.  I even canceled a meeting that day I was so agitated.  I wasn’t upset so much about the result of a democratic election, but the fact that I was so out of pace with how so many people thought and felt.  Virtually half of my fellow US citizens feel so differently than I do.
Kone in the Top Hat  Blair Pessemier Acryiic/canvas    13 x 10"  33 x  25cm   425.00
It doesn’t help that we’re mildly locked down here in Italy once again.  I have no one to “shoot the breeze” with – no one to comfort my doubts.   Restaurants are mostly closed, all after 6PM.   Nobody can be out from 9PM until 5AM without good reason.   When we take Harika for her last walk of the day, we are the only people on the sidewalk.     Things are pretty depressing, in fact.   
Pomegranates from our Tree  Laurie Fox Pessemier Acrylic/canvas   11 x 14"  28 x 35cm   425.00
We considered a trip to the sea, but thought better of it.  Instead, we drove 20 minutes to the river, and were gobsmacked at the beauty of the fall color.  We took photographs and walked along the banks of the Panaro.  Harika and I unfortunately got tangled up in burrs, which covered her feet and eventually her face when she tried to pick them off; I had them all over my skirt and stockings.  I don’t know how Blair managed to avoid them.  After that episode and subsequent burr removal, Harika was safely ensconced in the car, as Blair and I walked further in the bright sunshine.
I got a new book this week, that I’d been waiting for for a while (Covid delays -- yeah, sure): five decades of short stories by Irwin Shaw.  I specifically wanted to read the “80 Yard Run”, cited as one of the best bits of writing in the last century.  It is a fine piece of writing, but that story and so many others in the book are very “masculine”.  Blair and I both read 80 Yard Run, and to hear us talk, you would think it was a different book.  I am so surprised how differently we could see things.  And it made me think, how different we ALL see things.   In discussing that difference, there is huge learning and progress in our lives.  On the other hand, by focusing on how much we both like to read and appreciate literature, we have so much in common.
Napoleone:  Leaders Series  Laurie Fox Pessemier Acrylic/canvas  16 x 8" 40 x 20cm  425.00

Pessemier's Sunday Salon
Rome 8PM   New York 2PM  LA 11AM
Weekly on Sunday

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