| Leaves and Berries Laurie Fox Pessemier acrylic/paper 17 x 25" 41 x 63cm 325.00 |
The fog has rolled into Roccamalatina: one can barely see across the street. It’s a yearly occurrence starting in November, and adds a spot of intrigue. Lights glow softly from houses, bars, and passing cars. I decided to hang the Christmas lights on the front porch. |
 | Fall View Blair Pessemier acrylic/canvas 18 x 15"46 x 38cm 450.00 |
It wasn’t just the fog that got me going. Across our side street, a man was getting his fir trees topped and trimmed. “Wow,” I said to Blair, “that would make a great Christmas tree.” After walking Harika, Blair stopped by the tree trimming site. He came home with lots of branches, and the tree trimmer himself carried over the tree. The tree-trimmer fears there will be “no Christmas” this year – “that’s why I am celebrating now,” I told him. Chance encounters with the tree trimmer, the dog walkers, the curious passers-by are a part of life I really like: talking to people different than me. |
 | Chance Encounter Blair Pessemier acrylic/canvas 13 x 17" 33 x 41 cm 450.00 |
We decided to stand the tree outside. It’s at least nine feet tall. We have a gazillion apples and pears lying about the yard. I push a wire through the core of the fruit to create a new “hanging” stem. I found a nice bunch of hop vines to make a garland. Fading fall roses add color. It’s an ongoing project. I love that kind of adventure, finding doodads at the side of the road that I can bring home and hang on the tree. |
 | Fall Decoration Laurie Fox Pessemier acrylic/canvas 32 x 24" 81 x 61cm 625.00 |
I talk to people every day, via skype or zoom, or some device. My absolute favorite interaction is Sunday night with the Salon – so many fellow non-linear-thinkers (aka artists) kibitz on zoom. But there is nothing like bumping into a new body in person. My favorite encounters include talking to a piano player (we shared a favorite song, “Just a Gigolo”) in Virginia Beach, Virginia; our late friend, Bill, asking a girl on the Paris subway, “what do you like best about your neighborhood?”; picking up a black woman standing under a bridge on a rainy highway and driving her 200 miles to Greensboro, NC. These things just aren’t happening right now. Emilia Romagna has gone “orange” for Covid alert. All restaurants and bars will be closed except for takeout. The pizza house owner, across the street, having sold us a pizza just two weeks ago, is dead from Covid. We can’t leave our community. Walking is discouraged, although luckily we have Harika. Who knows, maybe I’ll find a new decoration? |
Don't forget our Sunday Art Salon, every Sunday, Forever. Bring your expression, whatever that may be, and share it with the group. Some art we've enjoyed: visual arts (painting, sculpture, film), poetry, prose, philosophy, cooking, crafts (knitting, crocheting, sewing, gardening). We would love to see/hear more and would love to include: music, dance. We screen share or perform live. BRING ART FRIENDS.
You will have a few (5-ish) minutes to show your work, and we'll ohh and ahh for another few....
We start at 8:00 PM Rome time; 2:00 PM New York time; 11 AM in Los Angeles . Doors, er, ZOOM doors open ten minutes before the hour. We CAN'T WAIT to see you.
Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85625088767?pwd=WldKRk9VbUVITWtRS0FFK2JwdGEwQT09