Sunday, August 06, 2023

Artnotes: Fun Indoors


Beyond the Fig Leaves   Laurie Fox Pessemier  Acrylic/canvas/oil pastel  8 x 19"  20 x 50   490.00
I have been wanting to go to MAST, Modern Art Museum in Bologna ever since we moved to Italy in 2015.  Saturday was our day!!  It is on the outskirts of town, which makes it a difficult approach for those staying in Bologna, but for those of us coming down from the Modena hills, it’s an easy 40 minutes to the parking garage.

And what a parking garage it is.  The man at the gate says, Diesel or Benzine?  We tell him and he says, “minus 2”.   We have a choice of 83 out of 88 spaces, but we manage to squeeze ourselves into one where Blair gats a nasty smear on the back of his khaki jacket exiting the car.  It was like a funny movie (god bless Mr. Bean) and I am sure the lot attendant had a laugh after we saw us to the elevator.
Circus  Blair Pessemier Acrylic on Canvas  20 x 20"  50 x 50cm  575.00
The museum is free, and beautifully printed materials accompany the current two shows (there was no permanent collection on display).  One show, for the young, engineering minded, was all about cogs, made into artistic and scientific interactive and moving displays.   My favorite was a ten foot long hallway lined with cogs with lines on them which turned to form numbers as they spun slowly around.
Echinacea  Laurie Pessemier  Acrylic/canvas/oil pastel   18 x 12"  45 x 30cm  490.00
I had really gone to the museum to see a photography show which as Blair said, “so much better than I might have expected”.  It was the work of Andreas Gursky.  The photos were of a scale bigger than any wall in my current home and precisely printed.  The subjects dealt with what man had wrought on the planet, often juxtapositioning nature and manmade, but sometime just manmade subjects (the 99cent store, for example, or women working in an Ikea factory in Vietnam).   They were for the most part, positive images and really, really captivating.  My personal favorite was a photo of a neutrino cave beneath a mountain in Japan.
We went over and over the show, with the written text and without.  It was a rainy day and we were happy to have fun indoors. 
Toward the House Across the Road    Laurie Pessemier  Acrylic/canvas  14 x 11"   35 x 25 cm  490.00
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INVITING All Artists to present their Work:   Paint, Literature, Crafts, Food....

Pessemier's Sunday Salon
Weekly on Sunday  No Reservation Necessary

How it works: Bring a piece of your ART: that could be visual, like painting or printmaking; or literary, as in poetry or prose; or crafts, like metalwork or knitting; or food, or music.  Something you made, or feel particularly inspired by.  You have about 5 minutes to present, and we'll ooh, ahh, or answer questions you have.  You can also come and see how we work before diving in.  Just show up on Zoom at a minute or two before the hour.   
No selling, no networking until after everyone has presented.

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 880 9370 8954 Passcode: 886402

Rome 8PM; NY 2 PM; LosAngeles 11AM