Laurie Fox Pessemier Grand Allee, Luxembourg Gardens Acrylic/linen 11 x 16"
Blair Pessemier Grand Allee in the Luxembourg Gardnes Acrylic/linen 15 x 18"
We are looking to get out of town tomorrow – our days off
are so few and far between at this time, the chance to BREATHE clean country
air is compelling. So, I research the
trajectory to Reuil-Malmaison and Josephine’s house where we can satisfy
Harika’s country needs and our cultural penchant. By mistake, I go to the Google map feature
instead of the Paris heavy-rail network, and find I could walk there from my
house in three hours and four minutes, along the route de l’Empereur. Did Napoleon really march from our house to
Josephine’s place that way?
We had a big walk on Wednesday, the first of May, at the
Bois de Boulogne with Harika. I love to
go there on the 63 bus, passing the Assemble Nationale, Concorde, Invalides, Pont Alexandre III, near the Eiffel Tower, Trocadero, the statue of George
Washington on his horse, and out to the edge of town.
In the Woods Laurie Fox Pessemier Acrylic/panel 12 x 12 inches
We descend at the end of the line and cross busy streets
over the ring road (peripherique) to the woods.
The fields are populated with immigrants, mostly Philippinos making
barbecue. Little girls in frilly
dresses, men playing volleyball, women with babies kibitzing around the picnic
tables… in Paris, it is the immigrants who have all the fun. I believe it is much that way everywhere – my
grandmother and aunts and uncles would picnic throughout the summer, something
we wouldn’t be caught dead doing now.
Eiffel Tower in the Distance Blair Pessemier Acrylic/linen 11 x 14"
Harika goes off leash
and we gambol down to the lake. Ducks,
baby ducks, coots and their tiny charges float in the water. We sit by the shore and see a hundred shades
of green. I have a lump in my throat it
is so lovely and I am here. We continue
our walk around as I notice small droplets on the lake. They, too,
look beautiful to me, but as they get closer together (actually it looks
even better), Harika starts to high tail it for cover. We have to put her on the leash because she’s
so much faster than us.
Along the Seine Blair Pessemier Acrylic/panel 12 x 12 inches
We painted along the Seine on Tuesday, after a day in the
Luxembourg Gardens on Monday. I am in
serious admiration of our participants’ paintings. I try to remember how I painted, so fresh, so
spontaneously, before I painted all the time.
I want to go back and paint like I once did, before I tried to paint the
way a teacher told me. I am careful as
a “teacher” not to teach, but to help extract what is natural to the person I
am painting with.
Girl in red coat Laurie Fox Pessemier Acrylic/linen 15 x 18 inches
Tree, Tuileries Blair Pessemier Acyrlic on linen 14 x 11
Purple Tree Laurie Fox Pessemier Acrylic on linen 12 x 16 inches
Pont des Arts 30 April Laurie Fox Pessemier Acrylic on linen 12 x 16"