Sunday, October 22, 2023

Artnotes: Marathon


Outside My Window    Laurie Fox Pessemier  Acrylic/oil pastel/paper  9.5 x 12"  24 x 30cm   150.00
There is a skylight above the bed in the room we are sleeping in.  The other night, a bright white light streaked across the square, visible even without my glasses.  I took it as an auspicious sign.

We continue to cavort about Switzerland this week.  We’ve been to lakesides and mountains, and to ever so many museums, sparsely attended, but with fabulous exhibits.   My personal favorite was the “Arte Brut collection of Jean Debuffet”.   It was a group very unusual pieces, destroying the usual boundaries of art and making us reconsider our own art:  freeing.    I was also completely impressed by the Fondation Pierre Gianadda.  It was a collection of art, photography, cars, and the sculpture garden set amongst Celtic ruins in nearby Martigny.  We took in the current Fauves show, set in the concert/temporary show level .  If I were to recommend a great day experience near Champery, this would be the one.   We sat by a Henry Moore for ever so long, surrounded by grass and quiet, contemplating our good fortune.
Masks   Laurie Fox Pessemier  Acrylic/pastel on cardboard 10 x 6"  25 x 15cm  90.00
We have also spent a great deal of time outdoors, in the Interlaken area on Wednesday.  We saw a large group of very high waterfalls.   While walking Berlino I learned the German word for snakes (schlangen).   Water rushed everywhere in Lauterbrunnen – it was surprisingly noisy. 
Railing   Blair Pessemier  Acrylic/oil pastel/canvas panel  10 x 14"  25 x 35cm   350.00
We had a hard time finding a place for lunch in this low season, despite a plethora of Asian tourists.  I found myself being thankful they were so interested to learn about Western culture.  It felt like the world coming together.   We eventually found a restaurant, populated with locals and tourists.  A man with a black knitted cap with a dangly tassel sat at the next table with his family.  I judged him to be local, based on the dexterity of his young children with a fondue fork.  They were all very hearty and strong.  The girl searched through a box of seventy five pencils to find the perfect shade of red for her placemat drawing.  The little burner beneath the fondue pot started to flame more than usual – then it tipped over and set the table afire.  The owner and waitress made quick work of extinguishing it.  No one batted an eye, which made me think this was probably a regular happening.  The girl finished her drawing and they left just before us.
Fondue    Laurie Fox Pessemier  Acrylic/oil pastel/canvas panel  14 x 10"  35 x 25cm   350.00
Blair and I got permission to draw from the bleachers at the skating rink.  We sit, for as long as possible, in the icy interior.  Extremely fit and graceful young people glide up and down the ice.  Our work out is limited to stretching our art muscle, and I feel like I’ve just completed a marathon.
Curler and Skaters   by Laurie (color)  8.5 x 11"  21 x 28cm  90.00
Skaters   by Blair 7.5 x 10"  19 x 25cm   90.00 each
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INVITING All Artists to present their Work:   Paint, Literature, Crafts, Food....

Pessemier's Sunday Salon
Weekly on Sunday  No Reservation Necessary

How it works: Bring a piece of your ART: that could be visual, like painting or printmaking; or literary, as in poetry or prose; or crafts, like metalwork or knitting; or food, or music.  Something you made, or feel particularly inspired by.  You have about 5 minutes to present, and we'll ooh, ahh, or answer questions you have.  You can also come and see how we work before diving in.  Just show up on Zoom at a minute or two before the hour.   
No selling, no networking until after everyone has presented.

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 880 9370 8954 Passcode: 886402

Rome 8PM; NY 2 PM; LosAngeles 11AM 


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