| Trees in the Rocks Blair Pessemier acrylic/canvas 8 x 12" 20 x 30 cm 425.00 |
We drove to the beach this week. It’s been a long time. We went to the dog beach, at Porto Garibaldi, about 1 hr 45 min from our house in Roccamalatina. We waited until now, when the kids went back to school (14 Sept) so the crowd wouldn’t be cheek to jowl. I was never so happy to see the sea! It was the same for Harika. We ran from the car directly to the water. We stood there, water rushing around our legs. The sand, the sea, the thick salty air were beyond refreshing. It was as if we were reborn that minute, and I decided to imagine only the best of things. |
That good feeling lasted a few days, but as the newscasts wore on, my positive attitude vaporized like sea spray. My Pollyanna dress is out for cleaning. It’s a sad weekend, with the passing of Ruth Bader Ginsburg. What an inspiration she was, representing all people, especially women, in a Supreme Court heavily populated by utter CADS. I hope I can be like her, work up until the day I die, spreading good; cads cannot. |
Our walking project continued this week, expanding from our neighborhood national park (the Sassi di Roccamalatina), to Zocca and Marano sul Panaro. We didn’t paint much this week, but took pictures of today’s walk, through the Art Trail in Zocca. All the sculptures are made of wood from trees in the park. Two immigrant friends, Tahirou and Blessing, have their work there. |
It was an easy walk at the start, until we wandered off the proper path and ended up at a much lower elevation, which we had to re-climb to get back to the car. I was an asthmatic child (1960s), and the least exertion would bring on an attack: hence, I was never athletic and now spurn exercise. As if the universe were offering me a recompense, on the way back to the car I found a box of crystal wine glasses, never opened. We washed them and will imbibe later, toasting the brilliance of Ruth Bader Ginsburg and hoping she isn’t replaced by yet another selfish cad. |
 | Painted beside Blair at the Panaro Laurie Fox Pessemier acrylic/canvas 16 x 10" 35 x 25 cm 425.00 |
Our other walk took us to the banks of the Panaro river, where we painted. A day later, we walked there, following what seemed to be a series of cairns. These rock stackings were amusing, some characterful, resembling men in hats or teeny headed women. There were families; with dogs. A house. There were more and more, until we reached a point along the river where there were easily a thousand. We looked and pointed and oohed and aahed at the extent of this endeavor, this passion. And then we saw the sign: memorial to all the people lost to Covid 19. |
 | To see the thousand Cairns, click HERE |
INVITING All Artists to present their Work: If you would like to remote paint with us, sign up on www.pessemierworkshops.com |