Old Fashioned Rose (smells divine!) Blair Pessemier Acrylic/canvas 12 x 12" 30 x 30cm 450.00
It was truly a summer week. Lots of planting (I know, it’s late) and watering, Harika seeking shade, me thinking about swimming…
Wild(ish) Rose Laurie Fox Pessemier Acrylic/canvas 16 x 10.5" 41 x 27 cm 475.00
Italians really don’t swim, which I find shocking in a country three quarters of which is surrounded by water. In fact, they call swimming in lakes or streams “wild swimming” and I was advised by locals not to attempt it. Sure, there are a few mavericks, swimming mostly in pools; but I have always felt if fish can’t survive in that water, neither can I. I can’t recall a summer where I didn’t swim (wildly!) at least two or three times, even in Seattle, where it’s really too cold.
Red Geranium on Blue Laurie Fox Pessemier Acrylic/canvas 20 x 8" 50 x 20 cm 490.00
I have been painting via Zoom this week, with my friend Yukie (Instagram: illustratorinparis). She and I set up our phones on tripods/selfie sticks, and paint similar subjects. I have been painting roses from my yard. We chat as we paint and sketch. It’s fabulous.
Yukie's Drawing, me on Zoom
That said, I have had to curtail my evening internet time. For some months I have had difficulty sleeping. It isn’t the usual world-coming-to-an-end anxiety that has been keeping me awake. It is as though I have a buzzing in my head which won’t stop. When a friend mentioned she was feeling better after a weekend offline, it occurred to me maybe it was what was wrong with me. In fact, shutting the computer at 6PM, I’ve had two sleepful nights.
Three Sketches while Nina Simone sings 'My Sweet Lord" Laurie Fox Pessemier Acrylic/old sheet music 13.5 x 10" 34 x 25cm The set 250.00
We have found, near our Rome apartment, a house rental (for just 3 days) on Lake Vico. It’s a small, deep volcanic lake: a miniature Crater Lake (Oregon). Coincidentally, we must go pick up a painting I sold (The Black Madonna) which is in Stimigliano. Seeing we’re driving that far, why not stop for a swim?
Ready for a Swim Laurie Fox Pessemier Acryic/canvas 14 x 11" 35 x 27.5cm 400.00