Wreath on our Door Laurie Fox Pessemier Acrylic/canvas 20 x 14" 35 x 50cm BUY
three Holiday prints

Harika has been waking me up at 5-something every morning. I take her out, on the leash, in the
dark. She can’t go out alone because
there are nocturnal animals which have been killing the chickens and
rabbits. All the rabbits are dead, and
at least a half-dozen chickens are gone (commemorated by piles of
feathers). We’re not sure it’s a fox or
a wolf, but in any case, our “salon” dog isn’t equipped to deal with either of
Harika races off the porch, down the stairs into the side
yard. There has been very heavy frost
these last few days, and grass gelato crunches under my shoes. It’s slippery. We run up the side yard. She sniffs and I look up at the many
stars. It’s perfectly clear these cold
At Ollie, the beagle’s, house they have the most
extraordinary Christmas lights. It
looks as if small green stars are surrounding the house. I think they are projected. Once dawn breaks, it is impossible to see
them anymore. They also have a tree and
comet decoration. The comet is a popular
motif here, I suspect it represents the “star in the east”.
I love the idea of a star in the East. I’d like to go East
this winter, but I think we will be going to Sicily for January and
February. We’ve found a good spot,
nearly on the water, within our budget.
We had considered Naples, but the Sicily gig looks nicer, is cheaper,
and will likely be warmer.
Harika will
be close to her home country of Tunisia.
We’ll be in Palermo, and make trips around the island from there.
Our Sicilian friend strongly recommended Catania: “it’s the
more oriental part of Sicily”. It’s
always good to have someone in the know.
One of our classmates last week conveyed that very
idea. From Mali, he wanted to know who
was the “Capo Villaggio” here – the Headman, the brains of the
neighborhood. In all the villages of
Mali, there was one person who knew everyone.
He was the fellow who knew what apartments were available, what families
needed help, or where to find a job. Our
teacher tried to explain how those were elected, more “legal” positions in
Italy. It was a complex subject.
After class, we talked about the need for a Capo Villaggio
in our area. “Maybe that’s why you’re
here,” I told him, “to introduce that very idea to Italy”.