Laurie Fox Pessemier Bridge from Below Acrylic/canvas 18 x 12" 45 x 30cm
Blair Pessemier Bridge from Above Acrylic/linen 16 x 13" 41 x 33cm
Terra Cotta figures by Laurie
Campanile Blair Pessemier Acrylic/canvas 18 x 12" 45 x 30cm
Bowl of Cherries Laurie Fox Pessemier Acrylic/canvas panel 12 x 12 30 x 30cm
Artnotes: ooo ooo ooo
One never knows when the creative urge will hit…it almost
never hits Blair nor I when it is raining outside, so this afternoon, when the
sun came out we went hog wild.
Blair raced up to the campanile to paint – he’d been there
earlier in the week, ringing! Unlike
many up-to-date towns with electronic bells, we still have bell ringers. Actually, the hourly bells are mechanically
activated, but the four big bells are rung, in changes, by a team of bell
ringers. We were walking by there on
Monday night, when they practice, and they invited us up to the belfry. The stairs, ladders really, were quite
rickety. I decided it might be best to
stay below with Harika. I knew I could
climb up there, but climbing down for me is heart-thumping. Scared: now you know.
And although they had earphones for humans, they had no
dog-size mufflers. Harika hates bells,
anyway, coming from an Islamic country as she does: in Tunisia it was thought that where there
were bells, angels weren’t. When we
first brought Harika to the USA at Christmas, she barked at every Salvation
Army bell-ringer. She’s moderated
since, but this would have been too much.
Blair enjoyed for the whole family, ringing his bell.
I got 20 kilos of terra-cotta, and sitting on our sunny
porch, I crafted a chicken family and a man with a hat. I am planning to sculpt some full size
heads, but have to wait for the balloon store (the Eta-Beta newsstand) to
open. We’ll see. This was all instigated by the full size
horse-head sculpture Blair has underway.
I got two brilliant ideas when the sun shone earlier in the
week – under closer inspection, one might be a little hokey, but the other one,
involving books, will come to fruition, and I’ll let you know.
Speaking of fruition, I painted a still life today, of
cherries (leftovers from the clafoutis Blair made) Ooo ooo ooo what a little SUNSHINE can do.