Yellow Roses in the Sun Laurie Fox Pessemier Acrylic/wood 16 x 17.5" 40 x 44.5cm SOLD
Red Roses Laurie Fox Pessemier Acrylic/canvas 11.5 x 15.5" 29.5 x 39.5 cm
Town of Montalbano Blair Pessemier Acrylic/canvas 11.5 x 15.5" 29.5 x 39.5 cm SOLD
An Italian Garden Laurie Fox Pessemier Acrylic/canvas 12 x 12" 30 x 30 cm
View from Pieve Blair Pessemier Acrylic/canvas 11.5 x 19.5" 29.5 x 49.5cm SOLD
Baptistry at Pieve di Trebbio Laurie Fox Pessemier Acrylic/canvas 12 x 12" 30 x 30cm SOLD
Artnotes: A Breeze
We drove hundreds of kilometers this week – we visited the
beach, Modena, and Tabiano; we drove around Zocca and painted in Montalbano. It was a week of sunshine and warm
temperatures. Our grass, yet to be
mowed, has crested the six-foot-fence around the yard.
I think about us, Harika and the chickens wandering in what
the Great Plains of the US must have been like in ancient times. No telling who or what we will bump into out
there. When the giant mower came to
another yard in Rocca Malatina, it startled a full-size deer hidden in the grass. We may have wild pigs, a bison, or spacemen:
the things science fiction is made of.
The roses are in bloom.
I want to rush out and pick a bunch, as I write this. Roses all over Emilia Romagna are fabulous
this year. I painted someone’s garden
in Montalbano. It was full of pansies,
and roses and statuary – the owner, who came out to see, was as wild and free
as the garden, dressed in white linen with fluffy red hair piled on her head. I would have liked to have added her to the
Everyone in the little town of Montalbano (population 36)
passes by to look at what I am painting.
Nobody tells me to move on; in fact, they embrace the attraction. I am
amazed how little Italian language I really know, but, at the same time, I am
impressed with how much I do: keep on. There is a light wind and the sun is hot; the
smells of mowed grass and acacia put me in the mind of California. Maybe it is why so many Italians went there.
I am anticipating our trip to America at the end of
June. We are bringing about 50 of our
best paintings, and will be selling the 300+ images in our storage locker in
Riverton, Connecticut. I am reviewing venues from Ali Baba to Ebay, tent
sales and porch shows. I am looking forward to it – after so many months
in Italy, selling in English will be a breeze.