| Turco Puppet Laurie Pessemier Acrylic/oil pastel/paper 7 x11" 17 x 26cm 150.00 |
On New Year’s Day this year, I made an ox tail stew (French), that we ate with a Scot, a Peruvian, and two Italians. Of course, we are the American part of the mix. The melting pot is our dining room. Ox tail takes a long time to cook – you really must plan on a good 4 hours. So I started the process on 31 December 2023, cooking it in the oven for a solid 3 hours, then next day, NEXT YEAR, 2024, I cooked it another hour and a half. It was a perfect example of crossing into the new year, and I liked that it was also the very end of the cow, too. |
 | Clemintines: 1st Painting 2024 Laurie Pessemier Acrylic/oilpastel/paper 23 x 17" 59 x 43cm 250.00 |
Of course, I have been grueling over resolutions, which aren’t 100% solidified yet. This years intention to get outside of myself, to be involved in the bigger parts of life: nature, art, music, kindness and in doing so, leave my own ego, and aches and pains, behind. After my beloved dog Harika died in 2021, all I did for 6 months was think of myself. We were on vacation with friends, and suddenly, I heard myself, self-centeredly, going on and on. I had to apologize. It used to be my focus was on the dog, without her, I became my own focus. But this happens as we age, too. As the world changes, kids grow up, animals pass, retirement ensues, and old people turn further and further inward (and it’s not so wonderful to be with them). Really there are plenty of young bores, too. Luckily, Berlino and I found one another, and now I spend my time filling holes he digs in the back yard and playing Star Trek with the front door as he dashes in and out. |
To avoid further inwardness, Blair and I went to another art show this week: Puppets and the Avant- Garde (https://www.palazzomagnani.it/en/exhibition/puppets-and-the-avantgarde/ ). Blair and I both love puppets (we had a puppet theatre in Paris in 1994), those wonderful characters that might illustrate a point, tell a story, entertain a variety of ages Puppets were historically a way to convey a point under the guise of appealing to children. This show of puppets concentrated on the turn of the 19 to 20th century, when so much was going on: the Bauhaus, the Blue Rider movement, World War I, the Russian Revolution. And all of these puppets were the cutting edge of art in those societies. Yes, they were charming and amusing, but there is no doubt that Paul Klee was not just addressing kids. Nor was the Futurist artist Depero or Tauber-Arp and other European thinkers. We had, many years ago, seen George Sand’s puppet theatre in her home in Nohant, France. Some of those (quite racy) puppet shows were likewise mentioned, as was Picasso’s Parade Ballet. It was s terrific show, and inspired us both. |
 | Young Puppet with Sword Laurie Pessemier Acrylic/oil pastel/paper 7 x11" 17 x 26cm 150.00 |
I have a wonderful feeling about 2024, and the new horizons we will race, ummm, walk to, with Berlino on the leash. |
 | Metal Shop Blair Pessemier Acrylic/canvas 18 x 12" 46 x 31cm 390.00 Blair's working on a metal sculpture -- unveiling next week |
Sign up for Artnotes by contacting me at lfpessemier@gmail.com |
INVITING All Artists to present their Work: Paint, Literature, Crafts, Food.... Pessemier's Sunday Salon Weekly on Sunday No Reservation Necessary How it works: Bring a piece of your ART: that could be visual, like painting or printmaking; or literary, as in poetry or prose; or crafts, like metalwork or knitting; or food, or music. Something you made, or feel particularly inspired by. You have about 5 minutes to present, and we'll ooh, ahh, or answer questions you have. You can also come and see how we work before diving in. Just show up on Zoom at a minute or two before the hour. No selling, no networking until after everyone has presented. |