Sunday, March 30, 2014

Springtime in Paris

 White Daffodils  Laurie Fox Pessemier  acrylic/linen  16 x 12"  40 x 30 cm

Tall Trees in the Luxembourg Gardens   Laurie Fox Pessemier  acrylic/wood  20 x 5.5"  50 x 15 cm

 One Cherry Tree   Laurie Fox Pessemier  acrylic/linen  16 x 11"  27 x 41 cm
 The Woods   Laurie Fox Pessemier  acrylic/linen  16 x 18 inches  38 x 45 cm
Bee keepers  Blair Pessemier   acrylic/linen  12 x 12 inches  30 x 30 cm
Archives  Spring in Tunis 2008  Acrylic/linen 18.5 x 11"  46 x 27 cm

Springtime in Paris

"Aren't you cold?" one of my student asked another.  "Yes," he replied, "isn't it great?  I never feel like this." 
Again this week, I had students from Southern California, experiencing the Paris springtime.  I have thoroughly enjoyed painting with them, many of whom are seeing chestnut leaves burst forth for the first time.  One girl this week wanted to paint the white daffodils popping up wildly beneath the trees.  Can do!
She was an inspiring student.  She sat down with her easel and paints and just started painting.  No drawing, no real layout.  "I can give you guidance if you need it," I told her.  She didn't need it. 

The light changed, we felt a few sprinkles, but kept on painting.  Her mom went and had a hot chocolate.  Two hours later, she reviewed her finished work.  Good job:  it was the first landscape she ever painted. 
Blair and I have experienced twenty springtimes in Paris.   This year has been the best for cherry trees, I believe.  My own azalea tree on the balcony is so heavy with blooms I am afraid it will break.  
It is hard for me to keep on painting in the same place, though.  If it weren't for the workshop painters bringing new ideas to light I am not sure I could continue painting here.  I am grateful.
This week, we're driving two hours in any direction (the hertz rental car is a mere 12.89 Euros ($17.75) a day.  We're looking for an inexpensive studio -- walking distance from the train station (car isn't always this cheap), near a river, in a touristy area, where we can paint, sell paintings, sleep in the back and cook on a hot plate (and Harika can breathe fresh air).  Our budget is the price of the sale of 2 small paintings a month (500euros).  We'll keep you posted.