Sunday, March 09, 2025

Artnotes: Enough for Everyone


Oh Istanbul   Blair Pessemier  acrylic/canvas  12 x 16"  30 x 40cm  450.00

I wake up every day with worry.  Early.  Berlino, sensing perhaps my chagrin, shakes from his bed in the living room.   We tell him, no, three o’clock is too early, and he rests until 4.  We try again to calm him before Blair eventually takes him out for his morning jaunt:  5.   

Jumping IN   Laurie Fox Pessemier  Acrylic/paper  90.00
This is a difficult winter, literally and figuratively.  Blair and I lived our whole lives as grasshoppers, painting and entertaining others, the best life on earth.  And we saved a little, and paid into retirement by the urging of our government.   We live a modest life in Italy, pretty much on the money we invested in Social Security.  Now, we are worried.   Not only is Social Security threatened, but the looming tariffs on European goods endangers our art sales.  It is scary, and there’s nothing scarier than being awake at 3AM.
Relaxing in the Drink   Laurie Pessemier acrylic/paper  25 x 17"   63 x 40 cm   275.00
I used to think that the world would just get better and better, when I was in my late teens and early twenties.  Equality was on the rise, and I believe possibly we all loved one another.  I had somehow extrapolated that to how great it would be when I was 60, 70 – taking our love and flowers out into space.  Ha.
New Home for the Genie  Laurie  Pessemier  Acrylic/paper   17x 23.5"   40 x 63cm   275.00
I like to be generous.  It is more blessed to give than to receive.  An old communist friend from Paris (since deceased) used to say, “Laurie, it feels so good when I give someone else my seat on the bus.”  He’d never been to Catholic school, and only learned this as an adult.   My catholic school, St. Anthony’s, closed a few years ago.  We learned to help one another – where do people learn that now?  Another friend of ours, of the grasshopper ilk, urged us to entertain, and later colonize (in the positive sense).    
Italy is a generous country. Pasta is cheap, and everyone wants to buy us a coffee.  As Italian friends in Hartford Connecticut used to tell us, “we may only have spaghetti, but there’s enough for everyone.”
Cellist   Laurie Fox Pessemier acrylic/paper  12 x 9"  29 x 20cm  SOLD
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INVITING All Artists to present their Work:   Paint, Literature, Crafts, Food....

Pessemier's Sunday Salon
Weekly on Sunday  No Reservation Necessary

How it works: Bring a piece of your ART: that could be visual, like painting or printmaking; or literary, as in poetry or prose; or crafts, like metalwork or knitting; or food, or music.  Something you made, or feel particularly inspired by.  You have about 5 minutes to present, and we'll ooh, ahh, or answer questions you have.  You can also come and see how we work before diving in.  Just show up on Zoom at a minute or two before the hour.   
No selling, no networking until after everyone has presented.  NO POLITICS please.

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 880 9370 8954 Passcode: 886402

Rome 7PM; NY 2 PM; LosAngeles 11AM  (NOTE -- we are accomodating the US time change this week )