24 September 2022 Roccamalatina MO Italia |
 | Autumn Daffodils Laurie Fox Pessemier Acrylic/paper 17 x 25" 41 x 63cm 330.00 |
We had record cold temperatures Friday morning: 46 degrees (8 celsius). Berlino is thrilled: he lies in the sun, on the cold ground, turning himself like a roast in the oven – right side, back, left side, belly. I’ll be darned if I’ll turn on the heat before 1 October – so we are beneath heavy quilts and blankets at night. I am toughening up for an energy-starved winter. My father swore by a hooded sweatshirt and sleeping bag when the power failed in Connecticut. Peanut butter and jelly sandwiches.
We’ve gotten some surprising flowers in the yard: hardy pink cyclamen by the hundreds, and a yellow crocus-like plant called the Autumn Daffodil (Sternbergia lutea – in fact, a member of the amaryllis family). They are wonderful, and I’ve gotten out there to paint them in the sunshine. |
It’s been a bureaucratic week: our visa appointment was on Tuesday. “Why do you have a house you don’t rent out?” “why don’t you get your social security in Italy?” “where did you get that money to buy a house (5 years ago, and they are just asking now)?” It’s worse than going to the Wizard of Oz. Instead of bringing the broom of the wicked witch, we now need records of a years worth of deposits and withdrawals at the bank, a certificate that we live in Roccamalatina (we have an identity card from there) and a copy of our deed (which was actually included with our application). It used to be there were policemen at the Modena Questura we spoke to, who would ask funny flirty questions and say, yes, yes, yes. Now we have women hired for their cruelty and meanness – their goal seems to be to bring the applicant to tears. Both Blair and I were grilled separately, as if there were some deep secrets to extract. Honestly, I can’t understand why we would be a problem, as we don’t work, don’t use any free services, we pay tax. It still isn’t as bad as France, but it’s getting there. |
 | Elderberries Laurie Fox Pessemier Acrylic/canvas/crayon 16 x 12" 40 x 31cm 490.00 |
Happily, our new Internet was installed this week – it was originally scheduled for mid-October. It’s fantastic on my computer, which is faster than it’s ever been. Blair’s computer, newer than mine, can’t hook on, even with Ethernet. The device came with no directions, and there’s no manual on the web. In fact, the web photo is not even similar to the actual router. There are five buttons: plus, minus, x, and a zero with a slash; plus the illuminated logo. I have no idea what any of them represent. I had to send in a video of myself with my identity card before they would activate anything (luckily I didn’t need the certificate).. |
 | Cyclamen Laurie Fox Pessemier Acrylic/canvas panel/crayon 8 x10" 20 x 25cm 390.00 |