3 September 2022 Roccamalatina,MO Italia |
 | Sloe Gin Fizz Laurie Fox Pessemier Acrylic//canvas 16 x 20" 40 x 50cm 575.00 |
I am practicing sitting around in the house with the lights off. In Italy, the population is in an absolute panic over electricity. The cost of electricity has gone up 135%, on average, since last year. Natural gas is up 65%. I worry for the trees, as they are being cut down to produce wood for burning (cough, cough, choke). Of course, this energy crisis affects everything – from the cost of eating out to running refrigeration in the grocery store. I have been canning tomatoes and eggplants for the winter. In our yard, we have apples and sloes (a kind of prune-y thing, with a large stone – think sloe gin fizz) but those are hard to imagine canning (I froze a few). I am not really an applesauce person. I like to chew my food while I can. |
 | Apples Laurie Fox Pessemier Acrylic/canvas/oil crayon 13 x 18" 33 x 45cm 535.00 |
I have been cooking meals in my new kitchen. It’s a bit smaller, but I enjoy the convection oven. It’s hard to decide if the electricity to run the fan costs more than cooking slowly, but eating sooner is usually better. I am really looking forward to firing up the wood oven, but I must wait until cooler temperatures. I am going to make pizza (the pizza man from down the street will come over to show me how to do it), and I am really looking forward to grilling. I have a little metal grill I can place over the coals. At the restaurants we go to, I watch the cook fish out some hot embers, place the grill over them and voila! |
 | Time Traveler Blair Pessemier Acrylic/canvas 24 x 16" 60 x 34cm 600.00 |
I think it’s better for me to try to earn more money than to economize. What would Mr. Micawber say? I have had a job of sorts, to sell a large Meissen figurine that belongs to a friend. He is also selling some other ceramic pieces. It’s been a real education for me, corresponding with auction houses, in Europe and abroad (US and Eastern Europe). It has fueled new ideas about selling our own paintings that way, and of offering the service of selling things for others. It’s a job I can do from wherever I am, plotting the logistics and keeping track of what items are selling when. I don’t have to move anything or even go to the auction. |
In Europe, France has the most important auction houses. They are on a variety of levels, from the exclusive to the basic. What seems to be selling everywhere now is Modern and Contemporary Art. Traditional auction houses have thrown out the old in favor of new art and mid to late 20th century design. It’s interesting to see, but give me a nice wooden chair any day – plus, I can always burn it. |
 | Flowers and Demijon Laurie Fox Pessemier Acrylic/canvas+ 10 x 15 " 25 x 35 cm 450.00 |
INVITING All Artists to present their Work: Paint, Literature, Crafts, Food.... Pessemier's Sunday Salon Weekly on Sunday No Reservation Necessary
How it works: Bring a piece of your ART: that could be visual, like painting or printmaking; or literary, as in poetry or prose; or crafts, like metalwork or knitting; or food, or music. Something you made, or feel particularly inspired by. You have about 5 minutes to present, and we'll ooh, ahh, or answer questions you have. You can also come and see how we work before diving in. Just show up on Zoom at a minute or two before the hour. |