Saturday, August 13, 2022

Artnotes: Wearing a Sweater


13 August 2022 Roccamalatina,MO Italia
No Bad Apples   Laurie Fox Pessemier   Acrylic/crayon/canvas  10 x 14"  25 x 35cm   450.00     Also available as a print (larger)
I’ve been reading a book about laughing (Hard Laughter; Anne Lamott).  It's the story of a family who laughs at good things, bad things, ironic things, smart-alecky things.  I think it could have, in fact, a sad ending, but I enjoy the funny parts.

One of the best things that happened to me this summer was a visit from California friends.  Four of us sat around our kitchen table laughing to the point of tears. Uncontrollable laughter.   I can’t recall the last time I did that, feeling so free and silly. Certainly it’s been a couple of years.  It is only possible with people I can connect with.   I can almost cry when I think of it.
Unripe Pomegranates in a Red Vase Laurie Fox Pessemier  Acrylic/crayon/canvas   9 x 12"  24 x 30cm  450.00
It’s a little like plunging into the Fountain of Youth with friends.  The experience elicits a scream, a happy, shocking noise.  It’s one of those experiences, like laughing, that resets one’s computer.  Go.
A Rainbow Upon Awakening 6AM   Laurie Fox Pessemier  Acrylic/canvas  14 x 10 "  35 x 25 cm   450.00
I completed a big project here at the new house.  I applied horses to our kitchen wall, based on horse pictures by Franz Marc, and Chagall.  Happy, wildly free, jumping cavorting horses – kind of like Matisse’s dancers, only equine.  They are a big hit.

I made my own wallpaper paste to apply them – cornstarch and water.  It’s soluble so someday if I leave, I can eradicate them.  I hate that thought and believe we may stay here at the carriage house (doesn’t that sound way better than stable?) forever.
Meanwhile, I am itching to travel, so after Ferragosto (15 August), we might pack up for Castiglione Fiorentino or Stimigliano.  There’s nothing much doing around Italy this month, just wild carousing.  Everyone welcome.

I can smell the autumn in the air.  We bought wonderful little pears and yellow cherry tomatoes from the toothy man on the dirt road to the Fountain of Youth.  I’m wearing a sweater as I write.
Fall Pears Laurie Fox Pessemier  Acrylic/crayon/canvas 12 x 12"  30 x 30cm  450.00  

INVITING All Artists to present their Work:   Paint, Literature, Crafts, Food....

Pessemier's Sunday Salon
Weekly on Sunday  No Reservation Necessary

How it works: Bring a piece of your ART: that could be visual, like painting or printmaking; or literary, as in poetry or prose; or crafts, like metalwork or knitting; or food, or music.  Something you made, or feel particularly inspired by.  You have about 5 minutes to present, and we'll ooh, ahh, or answer questions you have.  You can also come and see how we work before diving in.  Just show up on Zoom at a minute or two before the hour.   

Rome 8PM; NY 2 PM; LosAngeles 11AM 

Meeting ID: 856 2508 8767 Passcode: 887182