Tuesday, July 12, 2022

Artnotes: It's Later than You Think


8 July 2022 Roccamalatina, MO  Italia
Picnic, 2016   Laurie Fox Pessemier 18 x 24"  45 x 60 cm  Acrylic/canvas  600.00
I am inspired by seeing photos of my family on the 4th of July.  I so wish I were there, and it prods me to have wonderful gatherings with friends at my own house.
For the first time since Covid, March, 2020, we are having overnight company at the “big house” this weekend.  In spite of our move, we kept that house for the summer, partially because we had to give 6 months notice to leave, and because it is the ideal place for entertaining.  I will certainly miss it.  Our friends, a  family of 3, will have the place to themselves as we occupy the carriage house down the street.   I am nervous, awkward, about all this.  I haven’t entertained people in years, and this very hot weather throws a further wrench into the works. 
Looking out my Back Door (Fig)  Laurie Fox Pessemier  Acrylic/canvas  24 x 12"  60 x 30cm  500.00
We bought a lawn sprinkler today, on the premise of watering the lawn.  I am, in fact, in my bathing suit sitting beneath it.  Berlino hates it, and will not frequent the yard while it is on.   He prefers the cool floor of the garage, anyway.  Blair is naturally cool.
Fig    Laurie Fox Pessemier  Acrylic/canvas  12 x 16  30 x 40cm  375.00
In case you were envying our “Christmas in June” presents from last week, you will be interested to know the Grinch stopped by this week with an “inventory” list of items, right down to the scrubbing sponges.  I thought the supplies heaped on our kitchen table were gifts, but, in fact they are just a loan we are responsible for.  This made me sad. Will they really want those polyester dusting rags back at the end of the lease?  
Ferragosto, 2020    Blair Pessemier  Acrylic/canvas  19.5  x 27.5"  48 x 70cm  750.00
I am just going forward as if things were generous, romantic and the way I would like them to be.  Why not?     It’s why we bought the lawn sprinkler.  A good friend just inherited money; when I asked what he’s going to do with it, he replied, “Spend it!”  Yes, it’s later than you think.
Sparklers at my sister's house, 4 July, 2022 (my neice and cousin)