Sunday, June 26, 2022

Artnotes: Smooth Road

 26 June 2022 Roccamalatina, MO Italia

This Week's Only Painting:  Still Life Roses    Laurie Fox Pessemier 24  x 20"  60 x 50 cm  Acrylic/canvas  600.00

Smooth Road, Clear Day…why am I the only one travelin’ this way?  Bill Evans  
“Detour Ahead” best sung by Ella ( )

I need a smooth road to paint a picture.  No bumps, no interruptions, no pressure.  Much of this week I couldn’t paint.  There is something about MOVING that really throws one off: in Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, it’s a basic.

So this week, instead of paintings, I’m offering a couple photos of our new house. It used to be a stable for a horse.  It has a big fenced yard, and inside there is about 1500 square feet.  We move a couple of boxes a day, or a Persian rug (I’ve been washing them myself), or a piece of furniture we’ve bought.  Before this, our house was furnished, perfectly, but we owned none of it.

I am feeling sad about leaving this house at the end of the summer, but I know the heating costs could bankrupt us.  Here in Italy, they are talking about severe fuel shortages (this week, airplanes have been sitting on the Italian tarmac for lack of jet fuel), and natural gas is  our only form of heat at Villa Loris.  At least the new place has wood burning potential.   And it’s romantic.

We’ve launched a new Instagram account, “Poetic Fences" @poeticfences – Blair’s idea, actually.  We post poetic themes, mostly photos, of fences and other edges.   Out walking to the ends of the earth, or at least the limits of Rocca Malatina, with Berlino, we see beautiful scenes in the morning light. When the painting picks back up, we’ll continue on Laurie Pessemier.  Who says we can’t have two sites?  With a smooth road, anything is possible.