Sunday, February 06, 2022

Artnotes: The Beautiful Future Ahead


2/5/22 Roccamalatina, MO Italia
Doges Palace, Venice  Blair Pessemier  Acrylic/canvas  21 x 60"  55 x 150 cm  1800.00
“Think of the beautiful future ahead”  Ricardo.

When I say that out loud, I almost laugh.  It seems nothing like what I have been doing for the past two years, staying home; clip, clip here; put the idea of following the Silk Road out of my mind; clip, clip there.  On the other hand, I have found other marvelous activities:  clay, lithography, zoom art salon (a real city salon is much more difficult to develop); walking in the countryside (so, so – I’d prefer to see shoes in the shop window).
Two January Lemons  Laurie Fox Pessemier  Acrylic/canvas 18 x 11"  45 x 27.5 cm  450.00
Ricardo’s thought encouraged us to travel a little this week.   So, we drove to Chioggia, a town (considerably)  north of Ravenna, “across” from Venice.  In fact, it is officially part of the metropolitan city of Venice.   It took as long to drive there as it did to drive to Venice proper, but the drive was really a terrific part of the trip -- the last third on a narrow roads perched next to the numerous waterways leading to the Adriatic.   The early morning and late afternoon sun at this time of year imparts a wonderful rosy golden glow to whatever it illuminates.  The trees without leaves allow us to see birds in the great distance (we saw two ibises).
Venetian Mirror  Blair Pessemier  acrylic/canvas 24 x 14"  60 x 35cm  490.00  
Chioggia was much like Venice, but smaller, zero tourists. There was a market that day so the streets along the many canals were busy.  There were lots of wooden boats, and their reflections in the water were really fabulous in the sunny, Adriatic light.   In a sidewalk cafĂ©, we ate baccala and little octopi, with that delicious white wine of the Veneto. So much fun.
I spoke with a friend this week who has lived in Italy for 30 years.  He’s not too young, and has just about given up travel.  But, as he said to me, “there are many places to visit right here in Italy!”
Church Tower    Dragonfly   Lithographs  5.5 x 7"  14 x 18cm  85.00 each

INVITING All Artists to present their Work:   Paint, Literature, Crafts, Food....  read us a poem, tell us a joke?

Pessemier's Sunday Salon
Weekly on Sunday  No Reservation Necessary

Rome 8PM ; NY 2 PM; LosAngeles  11AM

Meeting ID: 856 2508 8767 Passcode: 887182