Sunday, September 12, 2021

Artnotes: Thrilled with the Water


Umbrella at Lake Vico  Blair Pessemier  acrylic/canvas 9 x 14"  24 x 35 cm  450.00
Stoic as I try to be, I can’t control my unmitigated joy at certain things.  The over-the-top thrill of swimming in Lake Vico is one of those events.  The water is perfectly clear, without motorboats or houses along the edge.  Lake Vico is a volcanic lake, and the water is “slippery” in a rock and sulphur-y sort of way.   I feel at the brink of ecstatic tears when I am in there.
Cow, thinking Minotaur   Laurie Fox Pessemier  Acrylic/newspaper 25 x 17"  63 x 41cm  250.00 
I can imagine satyrs and fauns, nymphs and fairies in the dense wood all around, creatures born of the fiery nature of the lake.  Minotaurs abound.
There’s a little restaurant nearby, where one can sit and observe the scene (I really haven’t seen a satyrs yet, but I found a “late” falcon chick, with fuzzy feathers, and soft, not-yet-taloned feet) .  A dozen flower shaped umbrellas in yellow and blue provide shade for the bathers and fisher-boys in that area.  We swim further down the beach, where we are very much alone.  One can swim nearly a half kilometer out before the water plunges over our heads and deep into the caldera.   Harika goes in, chest deep.
Cherry Tomatoes    Laurie Pessemier  Acrylic/newspaper 17 x 25"  41 x 63 cm  290.00
We were down in Stimigliano, near Rome, this week.  It was really hot every day, and I found it nearly impossible to sleep.  I learned that bags under the eyes are called calamari in Italy, and I had them after six nights of tossing and turning.  We drove back North and will try again at the end of the month.
Chili Peppers in a Pot  Laurie Fox Pessemier   Acrylic/paper  17 x 25"  41 x 63cm  290.00
I revitalized clay that was in my studio…I might have overdone it with too much water.  I fashioned a satyr’s head, which could take a month to harden.  I painted a bunch of works on paper, while Blair painted a picture of a dog and his family.
Walking by Lake Vico  Blair Pessemier  acrylic/canvas 19.5 x 16"  50 x 35 cm  550.00
The dog only had three legs, which seemed like a recent development, as the golden retriever really struggled on the sand.  There were lots of dogs at the lake, who seemed to get along with one another.  I guess they were thrilled with the water, like me.

INVITING All Artists to present their Work: 

Pessemier's Sunday Salon
Weekly on Sunday  No Reservation Necessary

Rome 8PM ; NY 2 PM; LosAngeles  11AM