| Love is a Hat BlairPessemier acrylic/canvas 39.5 x 35.5" 100 x 90 cm arrives unstretched SOLD |
An amazing thing happened. Remember last week how I said if I stopped celebrating, or doing something, it never started again? Well, it isn’t really true. Back in January, a Skype friend and I stopped our weekly meeting to paint and visit. The connection was shaky, I was crabby, and we decided to call it quits. I was really sorry afterwards, and made it clear. Well, this week, by hook or by crook, we tried it again. It was as good as ever, maybe better, peppered with new ideas and less “tradition”. Am I suggesting it’s ok to quit? No. But I am saying, give it another try. |

| Red Geraniums Laurie Fox Pessemier acrylic/canvas 10.5 x 14" 27 x 35cm 450.00 |
It was the highlight for me in a cold week. Snow and freezing temperatures killed my two large begonias, or at last diminished them severely. I covered them, but it wasn’t enough. I’ve covered myself, sorry to have removed the winter insulation upstairs. Along with the temperature, my mood plunged into the doldrums. Actually, Pasquetta, Easter Monday, was fine, with three guests and a leg of lamb that Harika polished off during the week. We all got to sit outside in 70+ (20+) degree sunshine. It seduced me into thinking, heck, it can’t freeze now. Well, it did. |

| The Yesler Hotel Blair Pessemier acrylic/canvas 21.5 x 18" 55 x 46cm 650.00 |
Being shut in again, I am looking for happy books to read. I don’t want to read about unhappy marriages, dogs dying, transgender experiences, grisly murders, doom nor gloom (not that there haven’t been super-duper books tackling those subjects). I want to read “3 Men in a Boat”, or about Bertie Wooster. I like books by John McPhee, or the history of the color Red. Mahfouz. Even Lawrence Durrell, although I like Gerard Durrell’s “My Family and Other Animals” better. I read voraciously. At least a book or two a week, and I’ve read 5 times that much while living where it rains frequently. So I am asking you for recommendations. |

| Begonia before the Frost Laurie Pessemier Acrylic/canvas 14 x 10.5" 35 x 27 cm 450.00 |
I love to hold the book itself (kindle is never good for me), take it with me in the car, read on the sofa awaiting the bell to signal dinner’s done. Biography is nice – I’ve read books about Richard Feynman, Peter Sellers, Alan Bennet, Catherine de Medici. I like reading letters between people. I adored Simone Beauvoir’s love letters to Nelson Algren; correspondence of Rebecca West and HG Wells; DH Lawrence; diaries of Sylvia Plath (up until the end)… One of my favorite books was the Diary of Samuel Pepys. |

| Forum in Pink Blair Pessemier Acrylic/canvas 24 x 20" 60 x 50cm 580.00 |
Blair is sighing a lot. We need a new project. Maybe we’ll build a boat, or start a publishing company. I am thinking of renting a shop with an apartment behind. Just so people will stop in say, hey, nice painting. |