The days are much longer here in Rocca Malatina than they
were before we left.
The house was positively frigid upon our return – the furnace
had some sort of problem and shut off. Despite
being here for three days, the interior temperature has still not reached 68
(20C). I move around with a little electric
heater and my fur coat.
It’s good to be back.
Almost all the neighbors are happy to see us, and we’re “in” at the cafĂ©. We’re planning our summer garden, to accommodate
badminton and croquet: a few shade
trees, and flowers a la Monet. Ah,
I bought the most beautiful lettuces today: red, cream colored, green, red stripe. The greengrocer, originally from Naples, has
started selling me on the paint-ability of his product. “This would be beautiful in a “natura morta””. Mini-artichokes, interesting peppers – the fruits
of the south are coming into ripe.
Which brings me to the harbinger of said season: a Pippistrello. You may not think of the lowly BAT as a sign
of spring, but he’s out of hibernation!
Early this morning there was a bang in the library. Harika was afoot, barking like a
banshee. We got up, I followed her into
the red bedroom, and whoosh. A bat.
Isn’t pippistrello just the most wonderful word? Blair opened a window and he escaped.