Barn near Ferrara Blair Pessemier Acrylic/panel 13 x 18 33 x 46m
On the way to the beach Laurie Fox Pessemier Acrylic/linen 12 x 16" 30 x 40 cm
Four Christmas trees Laurie Fox Pessemier Acrylic/linen 12 x 16" 30 x 40 cm
Morning Walk Laurie Fox Pessemier Acrylic/linen 12 x 16" 30 x 40cm
Golden leaves, hanging on Laurie Fox Pessemier Acrylic/linen 10 x 8" 25 x 20 cm
Artnotes: A long haul of Holidays
We went to the craziest “nativity” town this week: Montalabano, where they are featuring more
than 70 different Nativity scenes.
There was everything from the standard in-the-manger variety to scenes
using demijohn wine bottles for the characters; or dressed up espresso pots –
even a frying pan mural of the birth of Jesus.
I liked an alpine crèche, complete with ropes helping the wisemen up the
rocks, standard yet regional. A
chandelier featured Mary, Joseph, the baby and livestock, all instead of candles. A town, a la Jerusalem, was built of small
boxes, placed in a terrazzo entryway, and I think it may have been my favorite.
Italy has the most marvelous individual Christmas light
displays that I have seen: blinking, mutlicolor,
dripping lights. Orange/persimmon is a
popular shade, a beautiful turquoise and many purples. We drove home from Bologna last night, and it
seemed we were never without a blinking balcony, or free form tree. It reminds me of Christmases of my youth, with
much eating and drinking and lots of family and decorations. Blair is off picking up our turkey (a 14
pound butterball from the PX) as we speak.
Despite the fact we’re not to the end of the year, I’ve
already got my thinking cap on for 2016.
2015 was a year of change – and 2016 will need to be a year of growth,
development, earning. We drove long
distances yesterday – to the beach and back, and it always helps me think. On the highway, ideas emerge like exits.
We are considering rekindling Blair’s silverware
business. We now have a large basement,
which will accept an anvil, work table, and (vented) oven. I’d like to make glass, but would have to do
some big research beforehand. With all
the sunshine here, glass could be quite beautiful.
On a more practical scale, I am going to look for some
teaching/workshop opportunities with American universities in Italy. I can easily hop a train to another major
city such as Florence, even Rome, if the schools around Bologna don’t suffice.
I also found out that Babbo Natale, Father Christmas, comes to Emilia Romagno on Christmas eve. A secondary character, la Befana, a kind of
Christmas witch, brings special treats on 6 January. I have been very good. Everyone is already wishing Auguri, Buon
Natale, Buona Festa: and it’s a long
haul of holidays ahead. Whoopeee.