Sunday, September 09, 2012

Blind date

 Sitting by the Seine    Laurie Fox Pessemier    Acrylic on canvas panel  12 x 12 inches  SOLD
 Fountain with Boat   Laurie Fox Pessemier   Acrylic on canvas panel 12 x 12 inches
 Pond at Luxembourg Gardens September   Blair Pessemier   Acrylic on canvas 11 x 14 inches
 Black-eyed Susans in Paris   Blair Pessemier  Acrylic on canvas  12 x 12 inchesSOLD
Pont Neuf  Blair Pessemier  Acrylic on linen 11 x 16 inches  SOLD


"Maybe that’s them – no, they seem too old"
"I know it’s a couple, but I don’t know the name of the other one – could they be two boys?"
I hope that’s not them in the white clothes.  Phew!"
" Hi! are you looking for us?"

Each time we meet painters for our workshop, it’s a little like a blind date.   We have no idea who they are, what they look like – at least they can see a picture of us on our website, and we set up an easel at the designated rendezvous point as a “tip-off”.  

It  can be a very anxious moment for me.  I am always worried they won’t show up, or won’t like us.  Really, we have had the most wonderful people – I am always pleasantly surprised and honored to make their acquaintance.  

This week we had a couple from Australia – two new painters who wanted to give it a try. We set up on the banks of the Seine and painted bridges:  a formidable subject, especially  for me, who has zero sense of perspective and/or drawing.  In fact both of them excelled!  Maybe brains are set up differently from “down under”.  

We found a great spot, without too much activity.   It wasn’t totally without activity, however, as a fashion photo shoot set up nearby:  a girl in a swirly skirt twirled around, showing off the cut of the cloth.   Then they borrowed the bicycle of one of our painters.   Still, all four of us painted two paintings each.

We juggled lessons on Tuesday and Friday with moving into our studio at 14, rue Servandoni, near the Luxembourg Gardens.  Blair and I painted the large wall and door, and Blair touched up the outside of the building.  It looks terrific and people have been trickling in.

This morning we walked with Harika to the banks of the Seine.  At  8 o’clock the water is smooth as glass and the underside of the bride is perfectly reflected in the water.  The first barge passed by at 8:30, at an extremely low speed, barely upsetting the mirror like surface:  a small ripple, but no splash, like an Olympic diver.  We wished we had our paints with us.   

By nine, the sun is brutally bright overhead and joggers (the bain of our painting peace) are hauling their smelly selves before us  (I have been run into three times). We walk back on the little streets, admiring shoes and fall clothes in the windows.    I have new ideas for painting.