Friday, October 07, 2011


Streets Trouville   M Blair PESSEMIER   Acrylic on canvas  16 x 20 
Big Waves  Laurie Fox PESSEMIER   Acrylic on wood  7 x 10 inches   SOLD
Apple Orchard  Blair PESSEMIER  Acrylic on wood  5.5 x 13   SOLD
Heavy Surf  Laurie Fox PESSEMIER  Acrylic on wood   $200.00
Wading in the surf  Laurie Fox PESSEMIER  Acrylic on wood
Le Havre  Laurie Fox PESSEMIER  Acrylic on canvas  12 x 12 SOLD
After the Swim  Laurie Fox PESSEMIER Acrylic on canvas12 x 12 inches 
Trouville Sea  Blair PESSEMIER   Acrylic on canvas 12 x 12 inches 
Trouville Scene  Blair PESSEMIER   Acrylic on canvas  11 x 16 

Houses at the beach  Laurie Fox PESSEMIER  Acrylic on canvas  9.5 x 12 inches

ARTNOTES:  A Short Leash

Harika is mad at us.  She doesn’t want to wear her leash.  She spent three days “en liberte” (free!) in Normandy and now there is H-E-double-L to pay.

Earlier this week, we took a self-catering studio apartment in Trouville, on the English Channel.   After signing the papers for the small, but well equipped room in the Trouville Palace, we stepped outside onto the sand.  Harika ran around wildly as I committed a couple of swimmers (yes!) to canvas.  Blair painted the corniche with its wonderful Victorian architecture.  Our hotel/apartment, in the same lyrical style, was built in 1918.  It matches the original casino, intended to serve the English gamblers who’d won enough to buy a boat to take them across la manche.

A group of people gathered around a fishing boat at the quai.  We joined the fray and found the boat to be full of scallops.  We bought ten big ones at once, to take home to cook for dinner.   I seared them and set them in a sauce of bacon, garlic, crème fraiche and blue cheese.    

I woke up feeling refreshed and we set out the next day to find more great seafood.  We settled on a dozen oysters each and a glass of white wine for lunch (with a baguette).  For dinner, I made fresh sole Meunière, using true Dover sole fished out of the water that morning.  This was something I could get used to.  I bought fresh fish soup, served from a slushie machine, with accompanying rouille and croutons.    As a nod to the Calvados region, I bought fresh picked apples and local sausage.

There are postcards in our room at the beach.    Not only could we rent this studio, but the same people have a floor in a pink Victorian house on the beach, and another in a Victorian building I just happened to paint, with a turret.  I take one postcard, I promised to send to a friend moving back to America.

At 6:30 AM on Friday, we hop in the car to drive like mad to return the car at Avis at 10.  Rush hour.

Come to think of it I am a little disappointed to be back, too.  My leash is pretty short.   That is why I am thinking of  renting out our fabulous Paris apartment for the month of December,.