Saturday, June 18, 2011

Luxembourg Garden:  Bee house    M. Blair PESSEMIER  Acrylic on canvas  12 x 14 inches

 Luxembourg Gardens:  Waiting out the rain in the cafe    Blair PESSEMIER  Acrylic/canvas  12 x 12 inches
 Luxembourg Gardens:  view from the balcony  Blair PESSEMIER  Acrylic on canvas 15 x 18 inches
 Luxembourg Gardens:  across to St. Etienne   Laurie Fox PESSEMIER   Acrylic on canvas  12 x 12
 Luxembourg Gardens:  Rain on the bench   Laurie Fox PESSEMIER   Acrylic on canvas  12 x 12

 Luxembourg Gardens:  kids playing    Laurie fox PESSEMIER   Acrylic on wood 7 x 20 inches
Luxembourg Gardens:  Class at play   Laurie Fox PESSEMIER   Acrylic on wood 6 x 10 inches

ARTNOTES:  Never Lonely

I can’t believe it’s another week since I wrote artnotes.  We’ve had a busy week – guests, many paintings, a weekend full of art lessons.
I am making the adjustment from painting with my friend Y, to painting with my darling Blair.  Sometimes we can bring out the worst in one another, or the best.  Somehow we’ve managed to paint together four times this week.
We went, with Harika, first to the café La Palette.  It’s a bit of a meat market, but what could be better than men and women looking and acting their best?  Hand gestures, good hair, SMILING.  It’s funny, from the outside looking in.  That’s the role of the artist.  It’s always been my role.  I prefer to look into a closed shop, or restaurant, or a night time window across the street, than actually being “inside”.
Without Harika, we went to the café at the mosque the next day.   Men with trays of hot ultra-sweet tea come by tables to take your order.  Just putting my lips on the edge of the glass makes me as happy as champagne.  The place is more populated than it was a few years ago, by all nationalities.  The hubble-bubble pipe is more present: I could smell different, delicious tobacco.   There were two veiled ladies beside us, one toking heavily on the narghila.   An affectionate couple in the corner confirmed the relaxed atmosphere of the place.  I took out my paints and made images.
I took Harika to the park on Wednesday: she lies beside me while I paint.  Blair painted an exceptional “boules game” in oil,  in another part of the park.  She and I did a series of people paintings on wood.  Two people are lying in recliner chairs near us.  I feel a little sorry for them, with nothing to do.  Are they thinking? 
We brought two students to the Luxembourg Gardens on Friday.   They were very different:  one about 45 and charmingly reserved, the other 16 and charmingly confident and direct.   What we all had in common was art, and we painted up a storm:  in about 5 hours of painting, we produced, among us, 13 paintings.  A (very good) painter we painted with a few weeks ago would say:  “I can only give birth once a day”.  Altogether yesterday we produced a litter.
On the phone I talk with my Dad about my nephew:  he is a great young pianist.  It is not clear he will pursue music as a profession, but we agree that to make music or make art is a gift:  he will never be lonely.  It is a wonderful door to open.
Laurie (text) and Blair (painting) PESSEMIER    www.paintfox.